Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Make A Peacock Centerpiece Out Of An Old Bottle

So I just recently saw this blog post at FeatherStore.com Blog about how to make a peacock centerpiece. So this blog is run by FeatherStore.com they sell whole sale feathers online. Now I was trying to find a project for my son`s birthday party when I came across another post that they had on there. So the instructions there for making this centerpiece are really simple and could be perfect for kids. But of course I had to figure out how to make it into a recycling project. So the only you need to buy are the peacock feathers and if my wife lets me actually do this project I will definitely buy the feathers from FeatherStore.com. Not just because it was their blog that gave me the idea but also they have great prices just go check out the site.

Anyways my idea was to take plastic bottles and wrap them each in old screen and then plaster. The cool part would be that then the kids could stick beads and sea shells and Brocken ceramics. The only problem is that it might be too much work and too much mess.

Well if we do the project or not thanks to FeatherStore.com for the idea.

What Is This About?

So I love to turn trash into something that you need or would like. It gives me this amazing feeling to be able to turn the thing that our society throws away into something else. Now I will admit my projects have not all been successful but I think that for the most part even if a project did not turn out the way I had planned it still had some level of success. here are some examples.
I built a tire wall behind my caravan to stop the wind that would actually rock the caravan. it was suppose to be finished after two or three weeks but it took more like 5 months and really pissed my wife off. But in the end it got done and it really worked.
I rebuilt our kitchen using wood from old pallets. It really would of turned out just right but I also made the doors myself and they looked nasty.
But all in all we belong to a society where people throw think out that can be used and we don`t even think about it. We just don`t care we think there is just an endless supply.
well I guess I just like to build things out of nothing so stay tuned to see what I create.